Day by day, a story to better know the commitment of Doctors with Africa Cuamm in responding to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and Moldova. In the following weeks space will be given to multiple voices, protagonists of a journal that aims at witnessing small but concrete actions- not covered by mass media, that every day make a difference to many.

12 April 2022

Long silent lines

2022-04-29T11:40:15+02:0012 April 2022|

In Chernivsti a long queue of people has formed. There wasn't one a month ago, when I came here for the first time. They are waiting, silently, without complaining, patiently, to receive a bag with some food and personal hygiene products. There is a sort of embarrassment in their eyes about being guests in a new city.

8 April 2022

Life must go on

2022-04-15T17:43:07+02:008 April 2022|

Life must go on. Many other people, internally displaced, help as they can. Someone is in charge of receiving, sorting and sending humanitarian aid; there are people singing and playing in the streets; others are collecting money to support the country...

3 April 2022

First doctor CUAMM arrives in Chinisau

2022-04-15T14:07:11+02:003 April 2022|

The first CUAMM doctor arrives in Chinisau. His task is to start the outpatient clinic for the first response health support for refugees at the reception center.

21 March 2022

The hospitals in need

2022-04-15T14:09:40+02:0021 March 2022|

What is their greatest need? To get medicines, because supply chains have been interrupted, factories have been destroyed, production blocked, and transportation routes broken. This is our first undertaking as CUAMM.

19 March 2022

A new partnership

2022-04-15T14:03:13+02:0019 March 2022|

Now that life has been put on hold, ordinary activities have stopped and days are marked by curfew times, everyone has made themselves available to support their country and the people who need help most.

17 March 2022

Chisinau, Moldova

2022-04-15T14:12:00+02:0017 March 2022|

Once it gets the go-ahead from the Moldovan Ministry of Health, CUAMM's action will support a reception center managed by the local diocese, with a mobile clinic to provide first response health care and lighten the burden on hospitals.

16 March 2022

The mission

2022-04-15T14:02:00+02:0016 March 2022|

It was Wednesday, March 16 when I flew to Romania. The goal was to get as close as possible to Ukraine to see and evaluate how and where we could help.  

1 March 2022

War in Europe

2022-04-15T14:01:24+02:001 March 2022|

I remember the early days, at the start of the war, as being very tense. We all sensed that something tragic was going to happen. It wasn't only because of the media attention, it was the awareness that war was coming back to Europe, after almost 30 years.