
30 September 2016

“From South Sudan, with Trust and Esteem”

2016-09-30T11:08:36+02:0030 September 2016|

Sometimes you receive unexpected messages – simple notes that make all the hard work you’re doing well worth it, and help you to carry on despite the daily difficulties of working in Africa. The trust and esteem earned by Giovanni Dall’Oglio, a CUAMM doctor working in South Sudan, come through loud and clear in those he’s received – a deeply satisfying gift.

30 September 2016

Tanzania Presentation of “The Next Generation Program”

2016-09-30T10:19:04+02:0030 September 2016|

Expectant mothers in Tanzania lack access to the conveniences and services that we in wealthier countries tend to take for granted. Some fail to eat properly in the months leading up to delivery, or exhaust themselves with the heavy work they’re obliged to do, unaware of the precautions that ought to be taken during pregnancy.

23 September 2016

The SDGs After the 71st U.N. General Assembly

2016-09-23T10:55:54+02:0023 September 2016|

As the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) draws to a close in New York, we at CUAMM are excited about and committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were discussed there, particularly those concerning nutrition and maternal and child health.

20 September 2016

Light in Tanzania’s dispensaries: a gift that makes a difference

2016-09-20T12:08:47+02:0020 September 2016|

In recent days electricity became a reality for two small health centers in Lumuli and Magoda, located in Tanzania’s Iringa DC and Njombe Regions, respectively. Like them, another 48 dispensaries will soon also have light. All this has been made possible thanks to a new partnership between Sumitomo Corporation and Doctors with Africa CUAMM.

8 September 2016

Mozambique Wholesome recipes

2016-09-08T11:09:11+02:008 September 2016|

In Mozambique almost 43% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition. To face this problem some doctors and researchers have created recipes accesible to all mothers.

19 August 2016

Good news from Sierra Leone

2016-08-19T15:32:47+02:0019 August 2016|

Work continues in Sierra Leone to rebuild its fragile health system devastated by Ebola. Excellent results in Freetown and Pujehun.