According to WHO, the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve in the WHO African Region since it was first detected in Algeria on 25 February 2020 and it is accelerating. As of 21st July 2020 there were 620,389 cases and 10,116 deaths. In light of this situation, and of its mission, CUAMM is working every day close to the most vulnerable to respond to the pandemic in Africa.

An international humanitarian flight left this morning from UNHRD logistic hub in Brindisi, in Italy, directed to Juba, in South Sudan. The flight brought infrared thermometers, oxygen concentrators, water filters, water tanks and portable ultrasounds to five hospitals where CUAMM operates, namely Rumbek, Yirol, Cueibet, Lui e Maridi. The five hospitals receive on average 21,000 outpatients each month, who are currently screened for COVID-19 before entering the health facility. Rumbek hospital has been the first to introduce an epidemic prevention and management system, screening 15,000 people in three months. Thanks to the equipment sent to South Sudan, Doctors with Africa CUAMM will be able to strengthen its support to the local health system in response to COVID-19 as well as to other crucial health needs.

The organization of this flight has been achievable thanks to a strategic partnership between CUAMM, which procured the equipment, the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD) with its logistic hub in Brindisi, the European Department for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) that covered the flight costs and the Italian agency for development cooperation (AICS).

As Dante Carraro, CUAMM’s Director, explains: “The operation has been possible thanks to the access to a logistic hub in Brindisi, provided by UNHRD, of which CUAMM is partner since April 2020. This is a strategic and precious partnership that enables CUAMM to access a network of international flights and logistic hubs available at any time, in order to respond to emergencies”.

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