
17 February 2021


2021-02-17T16:15:02+01:0017 February 2021|

New IT system delivered by Doctors with Africa CUAMM to San Patrignano community. Funded by the U.S. Government through the “Italian Response to Covid-19” project, the new equipment has been helping to keep running the services of the community even during the pandemic, including consultations with external doctors and therapists and meeting with families, for the health and wellbeing of the hosts.

11 February 2021

World day of the sick: no one must feel alone in pain

2021-02-17T10:05:24+01:0011 February 2021|

Pope Francis reminds us that health is a primary common good and praises the dedication and the generosity of health workers and volunteers. Father Dante Carraro from Doctors with Africa Cuamm, “We must take care of the whole Planet, or we won’t find peace”.

10 February 2021

A kit for leaving no one behind

2021-02-10T09:16:10+01:0010 February 2021|

Doctors with Africa CUAMM which is firmly engaged in an emergency intervention in the refugee camps of Nguenyyiel, Tierkidi and Jewi in Gambella region, in Ethiopia, in order to reduce the risk of the Covid-19 spread.

8 February 2021

Cuamm and Ares Italia Partnership against covid-19 and for Global Health

2021-02-08T09:43:54+01:008 February 2021|

With the aid of the U.S. government, Doctors with Africa CUAMM will support the management of the ARES field hospital, as it already does for three other facilities in the region. Giving attention to outlying areas, we are launching a partnership that looks to the future and solidarity with the rest of the world.

3 February 2021

World Cancer Day Let’s not increase the gap

2021-02-09T14:46:55+01:003 February 2021|

90% of deaths from cervical cancer could be avoidable in Africa. According to WHO, 19 out of 20 countries with the highest cervical cancer burden are in Africa and thousands of women suffer from a disease caused by a virus, preventable through vaccination and screening, even with low resources. The pandemic delays these services, but the gap mustn't be increased.

27 January 2021

Emergency Cyclone Eloise in Mozambique

2021-01-27T17:17:09+01:0027 January 2021|

The night between January 22nd and 23rd 2021, Tropical Cyclone Eloise (category 1) made landfall in the already fragile Province of Sofala hit, exactly in Buzi District, 30 km south to Beira City, in central Mozambique.

22 January 2021

The results of the work in Goro Woreda Ethiopia

2021-01-21T14:45:52+01:0022 January 2021|

Helping mothers and children to survive and thrive has always been the main goal of Doctors with Africa CUAMM’s commitment, particularly in the most challenging contexts.