
6 April 2020

Coronavirus in Uganda: Efforts to limit contagion

2020-04-07T11:41:02+02:006 April 2020|

There are 56 intensive care beds throughout Uganda, while Coronavirus-positive patients are 48, so far. Not everyone needs intensive cares, but the possible spread of the disease it is too high a risk for public health, that has to deal with a very fragile health system.

20 March 2020

Africa-Italy: one humanity

2020-03-20T11:50:39+01:0020 March 2020|

In this challenging time, in Italy and in Africa, we have to nurture the trust of the heart and the perseverance of the work.

19 March 2020

The importance of male involvement

2020-03-19T10:30:25+01:0019 March 2020|

Today we celebrate Father's Day, an opportunity to recognize the importance of male involvement in the family system to protect the health of all children.

18 March 2020

COVID-19: humanity is just one

2020-04-07T11:45:03+02:0018 March 2020|

We’re close to the many people who have been affected, to all the doctors and healthcare operators in the front line, to the more vulnerable people, who are especially exposed to contagion. We’re confident that this emergency will pass, thanks to the responsible contribution of all of us.

26 February 2020

Anthropology, the science that brings us closer to the other

2020-02-26T10:42:36+01:0026 February 2020|

To overcome the global challenges that await us, substantial help comes from anthropology - it assists us in our understanding of the world in which we live and permits a reading of reality that brings us closer to the other.  

5 February 2020


2020-02-05T14:29:41+01:005 February 2020|

In Africa, the greatest challenge is to bring prevention and treatment to the furthest outposts of the continent.  

3 February 2020

CHILD FIRST Let us reduce stunting!

2020-02-03T15:27:32+01:003 February 2020|

"Mtoto Kwanza, Udumavu Tokomeza - Child First. Let us reduce stunting!" is  the slogan for the Accelerating Stunting Reduction Programme whose Consortia Partners' meeting took place from the 29th to 31st of January in Iringa, Tanzania.