
22 June 2021

Nourishing the communities with knowledge and food

2021-06-22T16:07:24+02:0022 June 2021|

Aleper Christine is one of the happy and proud mothers who have benefitted from the nutrition program being implemented by Doctors with Africa CUAMM in Moroto and Napak districts of Karamoja sub-region.

14 June 2021

Donate blood save lives

2021-06-14T16:27:15+02:0014 June 2021|

On World Blood Donation Day, we want to draw attention to this simple gesture that can make a difference and save lives through the words of Steven Ngoma, Cuamm doctor in supervision in Bo district.

12 June 2021

A great pain

2021-06-21T16:00:00+02:0012 June 2021|

Abraham and Moses have lost their lives in an ambush while travelling in a convoy with their armed escort and local authorities.

8 June 2021

South Sudan Tragic ambush in Yirol

2021-06-14T16:26:12+02:008 June 2021|

They lost their lives while working for their people, Abrahm and Moses. All Cuamm staff share in the grief of the families of two colleagues who worked with dedication and commitment

21 May 2021

Health and vaccines in Karamoja tackle the emergency

2021-05-21T17:26:35+02:0021 May 2021|

Today in Karamoja, Uganda, the launch event of a Cuamm and Unicef's project  has taken place, aimed at ensuring quality health services with a focus on nutrition, HIV, emergency health management and Covid-19. The ministerial community engagement strategy was also presented to ensure that people are sensitised and actively contribute to in prevent and control the spread of Covid-19.

17 May 2021

As Agnes and Patrick the story of Sierra Leone

2021-05-18T09:46:09+02:0017 May 2021|

The story of Agnes and Patrick is one of the many in Sierra Leone, where couples and women have to deal with a health system that is still too fragile, where there is a shortage of medical equipment, drugs and above all of qualified and motivated health personnel.