It is a day of celebrations in Beira, Mozambique. It was a day of joy, excitement and endless satisfaction for the students of the Faculty of Medicine at the Catholic University of Mozambique – UCM who received their graduation diploma today. A milestone that is actually a fresh start for the young men and women who this morning loudly pronounced the Hippocratic oath in a festively decorated hall, in the presence of Bishop dalla Zuanna, Rector Father Filipe Sungo, the city’s mayor, Albano Caris, and in front of the moved and pride-filled gazes of many friends and family members.

EU PROMETO SOLENEMENTE consagrar minha vida ao serviço da humanidade;

A SAÚDE E O BEM-ESTAR DE MEU PACIENTE serão as minhas primeiras preocupações;

RESPEITAREI a autonomia e a dignidade do meu paciente;

GUARDAREI o máximo respeito pela vida humana;

They are the country’s future health professionals. To date, there are only a few physicians in Moçambique: 0,085 per 1,000 inhabitants. Such figure is directly linked to the concerning health indicators: maternal deaths 289 per 100,000 live birth, neonatal deaths 71 per 1,000 live birth, under-5 child deaths 70 per 1,000 live birth and a HIV prevalence of HIV OF 10,5%.

Educating local human resources is therefore key to improve access to health services and strengthen the national system hence promote long-term development. For this reason, in 2007 Doctors with Africa CUAMM started supporting the Faculty of Medicine at the Catholic University of Mozambique in Beira by ensuring, over the years, both support to facilities (classes and laboratoires) and educational equipments (books, computers, etc.). At the same time, as a result of the collaboration between CUAMM and the university of Beira the curriculum was enriched with lectures given by CUAMM doctors and scholarships are offered every year to the students in need. To date, CUAMM has contributed to graduate 457 physicians in Mozambique.

A goal that was beyond any imagination a few years ago. Before inhaugurating the Faculty of Medicine in Beira, only those who were in the position of moving to the capital Maputo 1,200 km away from Beira, 1,423 km from Tete, 2,694 from Palma could pursue the medical career. To bear the burn of it, not only many young students who had to give up on their dream but also the national health system which ended up being extremely weak in the northern provinces where human resources lack and employment rates are lower than the national average.

With the commitment made, we want to continue to support the young men and women of Mozambique in realising their dream, we want to still be here to applaud their achievements as they throw their touches in the air and smile enthusiastically at the future they are building for themselves and their country.

We are keen to be faithful to our commitment and help the young men and women of Mozambique realize their dream. We want to keep witnessing their achievements and clap them as they throw their caps in the air smiling enthusiastically at the future they are building for themselves and their country.


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