Thanks to his work as a teacher in Lokopo primary school, Paul Hosman carries out community outreach activities, in particular for children.
“ I feel I can be really helpful thanks to my role. We teach children how to wash their hands in the right way, we share with them the risks linked to transmissible diseases and how to prevent them through hygiene – Paul explains -. There is also the food insecurity issue which is really present in Karamoja.
There are many malnourished kids but I can see their health is slowly getting better, especially thanks to project related community meetings during which we teach moms the good nutritional practices – says Paul -. I try to encourage moms to take care of her children and of their diet because a good health status is essential to keep them focused and productive both at school and at home”.
Despite Paul noticing an improvement, there are still many steps to take.
“It’s a change of mindset and habits that requires time and we have to face daily challenges, as for water in boreholes. Boreholes are often far away from villages and people collect rainwater or water flowing in the streets and use it to clean their homes and cooking utensils they use to cook for their family – says Paul -. I hope this project keeps going and reaches the most isolate villages, thanks to our community health villages. In the meanwhile, I will keep on spread health messages for the entire community’s welfare.

Since July 2018, the three-year project “Nourishing with food and knowledge the communities of Moroto and Napak” has been ongoing. It is financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, implemented by Africa Mission – Cooperation and Development and Doctors with Africa Cuamm, in partnership with Università Cattolica di Piacenza, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Meyer and Informatici senza Frontiere. Ugandan partners involved are Choose Life Home Base Care and Moroto and Napak districts’ authorities.

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