
18 October 2024

New skills in care work

2025-01-23T09:22:03+01:0018 October 2024|

The focus of Cuamm's latest training at Bangui Children's Hospital was transfrontanellar ultrasound, a “new” tool with which local staff immediately tested themselves, thus moving from theory to practice.

16 October 2024

World Food Day The Right to Food for a Better Life and Future

2024-10-16T09:11:54+02:0016 October 2024|

2,8 million people face malnutrition worldwide. A chronic yet silent emergency that contributes to 45% of global deaths among children under the age of 5. If we fail to accelerate actions, 80% of cases are estimated to be recorded in the African continent by 2030.

14 October 2024

Backstage of essential health services

2024-10-14T14:08:17+02:0014 October 2024|

Through the INCLUSIVE project in Ethiopia, we are strengthening procedures for collecting, analyzing, and using health system data to provide higher-quality care to the population.

21 September 2024

Improving access to HIV services among adolescents

2024-11-08T14:12:27+01:0021 September 2024|

Educate young people/adolescents about safe sexual behaviours, encourage HIV testing, improve access to and quality of HIV healthcare services for adolescents/youth in Beira city and Nhamatanda district, Mozambique.

20 September 2024

Future doctors in Mozambique

2025-01-20T12:37:42+01:0020 September 2024|

Patience, humanity, trustworthiness, affability, and empathy, along with an indispensable dose of professionalism. For Atianete, Hercília, Muaziza, and Victorino, these are the qualities that a medical professional should embody, and ones they hope to maintain throughout the years of practice ahead of them. This is what they revealed to us when we meet them in [...]