Considerable progress in maternal and newborn health were achieved during the Millennium Development Goal era in Africa. Despite this, maternal and perinatal mortality remain among the leading causes of death in sub-Saharan Africa. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 800 women die from pregnancy or childbirth-related complications every day, of which nearly 99% occur in developing countries, with over half occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. According to data, Mozambique has one of the highest maternal and neonmatal mortality rate in the world due to pregnancy complications and/or delay in receiving emergency medical attention.

Most maternal deaths are associated with hemorrhaging, unsafe abortions, obstructed labor, infection, or eclampsia –causes that could be prevented if women received timely care during medical emergencies. Referral care represents an important step in the management of the sick, especially vulenrable groups such as women and children. UR-Beira project aims at reversing this course by offering the people of Beira timey and effective referral in case of emergency. 8 workers trained in emergency management work around the clock at the call-in centre to respond and handle the requests they receive from 17 health centres and subsequently arrange the referral to Beira General Hospital – HCB. The focus is on women and children: since February 1, 2022 19,700 referrals of which 6,600 maternal and 4,000 neonatal emergencies have been performed thanks to the referral.

«Today, we celebrate the inauguration of the call-in centre in collaboration with the Italian Cooperation with great satisfaction» said Gianni Bardini – Italian Ambassador in Mozambique. This project enforce the collaboration between Italy and Mozambique and prove the commitment to promoting the health and well-being of the Mozambican populations by the Italian government»

UR-Beira project is being implemented by Doctors with Africa CUAMM in collaboration with Regione Veneto, Ca’ Foscari University, Padua Croce Verde, together with local health authorities AS Serviço Provincial de Saúde de Sofala (SPS) and Serviço Distrital de Saúde, Mulher e Acção Social (SDSMAS) and Direção Nacional de Assistência Médica (DNAM).

«This intervention goes beyond traditional cooperation projects as it has brought together multiple partners who have collaborated towards achieving a common goal» said Luigi Zanin – from Regione Veneto.

The inauguration represents a milestone in the promotion of healthcare services in Mozambique being the call-in centre and the referral system the first in the country.

«I wish to thank all the partenrs involved for choosing Sofala province for the introduction of this pivotal intervention- said the Sofala Province Secretary of State Sandra Jeronimo Francisco Chamutotana. I call everybody to assume the responsibility of this service and to work tirelessly to make it possible to both expand the service within Sofala province and beyond, reaching more areas across the country».



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