This is an happy ending story. One of those whose main character faces and overcomes numerous difficulties. This is the story of a preterm baby, born at 31 weeks weigh less than 2 pounds. Giacinta’s baby was born in Beira, Mozambique, on May 12. We do not know her name yet because newborns are only named weeks after the delivery in Mozambique, once their mothers are sure they are safe and sound.

«The Central Hospital of Beira has a new and efficient neonatology ward that Doctors with Africa CUAMM has contributed to rehabilitate after the distruction provoked by Idai cyclone. The baby, born with a C-section was timely referred to the NICU where she could receive breathing support through CPAP – says Elena Altieri, CUAMM pediatrician in Beira –. Maternal milks is for preterm babies their main chance to survive if not the only one. It is the only nutrient they take, daily, in small sips. Their tiny intestine might be damaged by formula. Unfortunately there is not any milk bank in the city of Beira where mothers can donate their extra milk, as a consequence it is the mother herself who has to go to hospital, every day, to pump it manually because breast pumps do not exist here».

A few days after the delivery, Giacinta was dismiss: there is not enough space in the hospital to host the mothers of preterm babies. Fortunatelly, her place is close-by and she can come to the hospital every day.

«Following the physiological decline suffered over her first days of life, Giacinta’s baby got a severe Klebsiella infection – adds Elena –. At that time, we registered a epidemic caused by the spread of this bacteria that is resistant to antibiotic. She was lucky enough to make it, to survive thanks to the first-line antibiotic received which was also the last one available at the hospital. After 17 days in the NICU, the baby is finally capable of breathing without any support, the infection is over and we can refer her and her mother to the Kangaroo mother care. It is May 29, she is 1.65 pounds when she can start lying on bed with Giacinta, her mother. Kangaroo care is a special therapy: a method of holding the baby to the mother’s chest which works as a natural NICU. Skin-to-skin contact is therefore extremely efficient for the babies, supporting their growth, breathing pattern and body temperature. Kangaroo care was proven to have positive impacts on babies’ development, practicing kangaroo can be life-saving especially for preterm babies. By practicing this therapy, Giacinta’s baby started gaining weigh and a few weeks later we could removed the canula that nourished her cause she was ready to sip the milk by a little cup».

It is July 10 when Giacinta’s baby weigh 3.3 pounds and is dismissed. A happy-ending story which succeess was led by both Giacinta, who continued to breastfeeding her baby with patience and perseverance, the tenacity of this tiny little girl and the commitment of the doctors who took care of the mother and the baby after the delivery.

«It has been more than two months since Giacinta gave birth to her baby. When we last checked on her, the weigh was 4.8 pounds. She is safe and sound now and her mother named her Eunice, from a Greek word meaning “good victory”» says Elena.

This is what we wish for Eunice, to keep winning at life!

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