On January 21st, Medici con l’Africa Cuamm and PENTA officially teamed up to begin working together on projects aimed at protecting and improving the wellbeing and health of vulnerable communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. This includes the training of local researchers and doctors, the development of policiesinformation systems and organisational models concerned with child healthcare, infectious diseases (HIV/TB/Malaria), nutrition and chronic non-transmissible diseases. In doing so, together we strive to ensure the highest ethical standards, quality levels and protection of data in any area of research and activity that we will jointly carry out.

PENTA Foundation supports activities related to research on HIV and other paediatric diseases, principally infectious diseases. Due to its unique expertise in running international research projects, the Foundation has established several links with research groups in order to manage EU and other funded projects (also beyond paediatrics) thus getting additional support for its infrastructure.


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