In this section you can consult all the tender announcements of Doctors with Africa CUAMM.
Local Open Tender for Supply of a generator, spare parts, and UPS
Doctors with Africa CUAMM, under the project "Restoration of Essential Health and Nutrition Services in Shire, Tigray AID 05/12882/ETH,” is launching a local open tender procedure to select eligible suppliers for the supply of a generator, spare parts, and UPS for our project in Tigray Region, Ethiopia.
Tender for medical supplies and equipment
Doctors with Africa CUAMM, under the project titled “Promoting protection and access to health and nutrition services for internally displaced people and vulnerable communities in emergency situations (AID 07/12282/ETH)” is launching a flexible simplified procedure to select a supplier of medical supplies and equipment.
Tender for the provision of refreshment services
Doctors with Africa CUAMM, under the project titled “INCLUSIVE: Strengthening prevention, equitable and inclusive care for all (AID012590/06/09)” is launching a simplified procedure to select a supplier for the provision of refreshment services in Gambella, Ethiopia.
Tender for Supply of biomedical equipment and medical consumables
Doctors with Africa CUAMM, under the project titled " Strengthening Neonatology in Ethiopia AID 012958/ETH ” is launching a flexible, simplified procedure to select a supplier for the supply of biomedical equipment and medical consumables.
Tender for Supply of Medical Drugs Consumables and Equipment
Doctors with Africa CUAMM, under the project "Protect the Life and Livelihood of Affected People in Dollo Ado and Dollobay Woredas of Liben and Afder Zones, Somali Region," is launching a flexible, simplified procedure to select a supplier for medical drugs consumables, and equipment.
Contratto quadro di servizi per agenzia viaggi
Opera San Francesco - Medici con l'Africa Cuamm apre bando di gara "Contratto quadro di servizi per agenzia viaggi" REF. 01/2025/CUAMM/HQ
Tender for Supply of Medical Drugs, Laboratory reagents, Equipment, and Consumables
Doctors with Africa CUAMM, under the project "Emergency response to the South Sudanese crisis through an integrated and inclusive approach in health, nutrition, and protection, to strengthen the resilience of South Sudanese refugees and host communities in the Gambella region of Ethiopia – AID 12882 ” is launching the present flexible, simplified procedure to select a supplier for medical Drugs, Laboratory reagents, Equipment, and consumables.
Tender for Rehabilitation Works in Suhul Shire Hospital
The International NGO, Doctors with Africa CUAMM, under the project titled “Strengthening Neonatology in Ethiopia" (AID 012958), is launching a Local Open Tender to select a construction company to carry out construction works for the rehabilitation of Suhul Shire Primary Hospital in Tigray Region, Ethiopia
Tender for Supply of Printers and Computers
Doctors with Africa CUAMM, under the project titled “ Restoration of Essential Health and Nutrition Services in Shire, Tigray AID 05/12882/ETH” is launching the present flexible simplified procedure to select supplier of Printers and Computers.