In a country like Sierra Leone where maternal and child mortality is very high, transfusion medicine is essential. Blood becomes a real “drug” and it is fundamental. In fact, the distrust towards donation continues to be very strong and therefore the need to invest in raising awareness and advocacy is even stronger.

Due to the shortage of blood in the blood banks, health personnel often has to donate its own blood in emergencies, as happened last week to Steven Ngoma, Cuamm doctor in supervision in Bo district.

“We had an emergency of a pregnant woman with severe pre-eclampsia who absolutely needed a transfusion in order to get the surgery to survive. In the blood bank, however, there were no blood bags available, as the last donations dated back to December 2020 – says Steven -. Fortunately, my blood type was the same as her and therefore I donated mine, so that she could be taken in the surgical theater as soon as possible.”

Steven Ngoma’s story often repeats itself not only in Sierra Leone but in all the countries we work. On World Blood Donation Day, we want to draw attention to this simple gesture that can make a difference and save lives.

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