The new Neonatology Department at the Central Hospital of Beira, Mozambique, was inaugurated today. The facility spans 600 square meters, with 400 square meters extensively renovated and 200 square meters newly constructed, accommodating a total of 17 cribs, 22 beds, 3 clinics dedicated to neonatology, a breastfeeding room, pharmacy, laundry, offices, new bathrooms, and staff area.

This is a significant milestone, achieved after the Neonatology Department, along with part of the Central Hospital, was destroyed by the devastating force of Cyclone Idai. The new neonatal intensive care unit is also equipped with a new oxygen delivery system.

«The inauguration of the new Neonatology Department at the Central Hospital of Beira, a city with 600,000 inhabitants and a 800-bed hospital, is a great sign of reconstruction: it represents our mission of working and developing in Africa and with Africa, of rebuilding tenaciously, patiently, stubbornly. To rebuild is the verb that Africa teaches us. It requires dedication and commitment, no shortcuts allowed. Today more than ever, in our continent, in our country, it is important to rebuild, to let complaints, disappointment and discontent behind and to dedicate resources to a brand new start. It is an important lesson that we are learning from Beira. Not even the pandemic stopped this work. The rules must be respected, that is obvious, protective measures must be adopted every day, but the reconstruction of Beira has succeeded, within and during the Covid-19 epidemic, in compliance with the rules. It has moved forward until final realization. It is a sign of tenacity. I thank the hospital management and all the local authorities whose collaboration was paramount, as well as the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and the numerous donors who supported us» said Father Dante Carraro – CUAMM Director General who attended the meeting.



«This work is important for Sofala but also for the neighboring provinces, and for the about 9 million people who will benefit it» declared Mozambique Minister of Health – Armindo Daniel Thiago, present at the inauguration. «The training of medical and specialized healthcare personnel is key. I especially want to thank CUAMM, Health4Moz and their donors for the great work. To conclude, I quote an African proverb, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together’: this is what we are doing and have done together».

«This event is part of a deep and long-standing friendship that is 70 years old» commented Gianni Bardini – Italian Ambassador. «Italy is everywhere, this demonstrates the commitment of the Italian civil society which is just as deep as the one CUAMM has been demonstrating for seventy years. Beira is rising again after the cyclone, and the reconstruction of the neonatology department where children are born is a symbol of this new rebirth. This work is the result of a joint effort made by many Italians who supported it but also, by our solid friendship that will continue in the coming years.”

Between March 14 and 15, 2019, torrential rains and intense winds ravaged and devastated Beira city, in central Mozambique, as well as the provinces of Sofala, Zambezia, Manica, and Inhambane, with severe consequences for the population and infrastructure.

1,500,000 people were affected; 600 people died; 111,000 houses were destroyed; 90% of the city was devastated by strong winds and extensive flooding caused by the cyclone. These are the figures of the worst natural disaster to hit Africa in the past 10 years. The cyclone had also severely compromised the Central Hospital of Beira, the main healthcare facility for a population of about 1 million people, causing permanent damages to the Neonatology Department which services are crucial for a hospital that assists nearly 6,000 births a year.

Doctors with Africa CUAMM immediately took action to address the emergency on multiple fronts, including the reconstruction and expansion of the Neonatology Department by restoring services.

This commitment has materialized today thanks to the many who made this reconstruction possible: the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Eni, Chiesi Foundation Onlus, Diocese of Padua, Autonomous Region of Trentino Alto Adige, several Rotary clubs from District 2060, and many groups and individual donors of CUAMM who promptly mobilized to support the relief and reconstruction works in Beira.

«Covid-19 is also widespread in Mozambique, due to the South African variant, and it is frightening here too» continues Father Dante Carraro. «Even though it is a hot city, everyone wears masks, maintains distance, and is very careful and meticulous. Covid-19 is scary, but it must be faced with the same determination and urgency we are adopting at home. Vaccination must be available and accessible for all, and this is the commitment we honour through ‘A Vaccine for Us’ campaign. Vaccination must be administered here too because it is the right thing to do, it is right to show solidarity, but it is also necessary to reduce the possibility of new variants emerging. As Dott. Mantovani, scientific director of Humanitas, always tells to us, solidarity and security must go hand in hand».

As we have restored health care to the newborns of Mozambique, a new challenge awaits: to ensure Covid-19 immunization in the Country.


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