26th  November. We announce the death of Don Luigi Mazzucato, director of Doctors with Africa CUAMM from 1955 to 2008.

Don Luigi was a man of great intellectual stature, with an extraordinary ability to reconcile prophecy and realism. He was a strong leader and especially a teacher of life for everybody.

In 1955 he took up the challenge of leading CUAMM, working with dedication, commitment and with the tendency to seek more the positive than the negative in every person and in every events. He had to overcome many trials and difficulties during the 50 years at the helm of CUAMM.

«In my travels in 110 missions in Africa I saw the poverty, the suffering – said Don Mazzucato -. I felt the anguish, in 1987, in the hospital in Aber in Uganda, when I saw some dying patients. I felt the anguish in front of the victims of the guerrillas in Mozambique, the churches full of corpses for the genocide in Rwanda (1994) and severely malnourished children in Ethiopia. I felt the agonizing cry of a mother, on a night in Catió in Guinea Bissau, from a nearby village, crying in despair the death of her child. I saw the ruins caused by internal conflicts in Angola. I’ve seen more recently, the extreme poverty in South Sudan and the squalor of some hospitals where none of us would dare to seek treatment and maybe even put a foot inside».

Don Dante Carraro, director of Doctors with Africa CUAMM, remembers him:

«Under his black dress, accompanied by the black cap, there was a rainbow of harmonious colors and an intense personality of a rich and full life. Some of colors of his rainbow were: the poor, that Don Luigi are the heritage of God; people, who always knew to listen and put in the middle; Providence and trust God’s plan, at all times; and, finally, prayer, cool, clear spring of his life».

Don Luigi in Africa

See other pictures from his life

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