Fighting in South Sudan has reignited between the opposing factions of Salva Kir, the president of South Sudan, and Riek Machar, the vice president. There is war in Juba. There are estimates of 300 victims between Friday, July 8 and Sunday, July 10, just a day after the anniversary of independence from Sudan. Our staff in Juba is safe, but is forced to stay in the compound until fighting ends. There is high alert for the civilian population, which is, as usual, the main victim of the war.

We have been updated about the situation from Juba as such:

“Fighting began Friday morning. We are now barricaded inside the compound. Diesel fuel is running low, and we have to ration the use of technology and communications. The situation remains calm in the areas where CUAMM works with another 15 Italians and 39 Africans (Ugandan, Kenyan, Nigerian, and Congolese). We continue to work and provide care and assistance to the people in seven counties (West Yirol, Rumbek North, Rumbek Centre, Rumbek East, Wulu, Cuiebet, and Mundri East), where we support 81 outlying health facilities and three hospitals. The hope is that the situation does not degenerate there as well, because it would be a disastrous war for country as fragile and poor as South Sudan.”

CUAMM’s Don Dante Carraro’s thoughts are with our aid workers:

Our main focus is now on our aid workers in the field. We are in constant contact with them to monitor the situation. This latest of many clashes comes by the anniversary of independence and is worsening an already very fragile, tenuous situation. The people are terrorized and afraid. The future is uncertain. Doctors with Africa CUAMM continues its commitment to the health of the local people, who are sadly the main victims in these situations.”

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