Health and Development

Focused on international development, global health and health policy, Doctors with Africa CUAMM’s magazine Health and Development is published in Italian and English. It views health as critical to sustainable development, and features articles on our work in the field and good practices learned as well as commentary by international experts.

An online edition of the magazine is also available. It includes further pieces on these topics in addition to the articles offered in the print edition.

6 October 2021

Vaccination for all in Italy, too

2024-04-09T18:58:51+02:006 October 2021|

Review • n. 82 December 2021

Vaccination for all in Italy, too

Text by / Andrea Atzori

A vaccination center in the outskirts of Padua managed by Cuamm with the AULSS 6 and the Diocese, created within a broader Covid-19 response program, where the effort, in Italy and Africa, is to bring prevention and treatment to all on the strength of the contribution of volunteer staff.

6 October 2021

And the last are still last

2024-04-09T18:59:32+02:006 October 2021|

Review • n. 82 December 2021

And the last are still last

Text by / Salvatore Geraci

There are many people“on the margins”of our society: immigrants and others including homeless people, adults, and foreign minors waiting for their administrative application to be accepted.As the Covid wave hits, itis these people who are left behind: not only economically,but also forgotten by the prevention and vaccination campaigns.

6 October 2021

We won’t save ourselves alone

2024-04-09T19:00:34+02:006 October 2021|

Experiences from the field • n. 82 December 2021

We won’t save ourselves alone

Text by / Chiara Di Benedetto Interview Silvio A. Garattini, Institute of Pharmacological Research Mario Negri

One thing that Covid-19 ought to have taught us by now is that no one can save themselves alone, but we're in a kind of “health nationalism” in which the stronger countries are trying to protect themselves first and losing sight of the fact that only by sharing and making vaccines and patents accessible can we achieve shared protection.

6 October 2021

The effectiveness of maternity waiting homes

2024-04-09T19:01:19+02:006 October 2021|

Experiences from the field • n. 82 December 2021

The effectiveness of maternity waiting homes

Text by / Chiara Bertoncello

Researchers have long been interested in maternity waiting homes, but few have studied their effectiveness. This study evaluated how their use cut the perinatal mortality rate in half at the Wolisso hospital in Ethiopia. These important results confirm their value and support policies for their implementation.

6 October 2021

Obstacles to vaccination in South Sudan

2024-04-09T19:01:52+02:006 October 2021|

Experiences from the field • n. 82 December 2021

Obstacles to vaccination in South Sudan

Text by / Chiara Scanagatta

South Sudan has chosen to join the global effort to vaccinate its population for Covid-19. But there are many critical issues: it is not enough to just have the doses, they must also be managed logistically and administered correctly to the population. There is a lack of funds for the implementation of a massive campaign, making the role of NGOs such as Cuamm crucial to bridge the existing shortfalls.

6 October 2021

Vaccines as a common good

2024-04-09T19:02:23+02:006 October 2021|

Forum • n. 82 December 2021

Vaccines as a common good

Text by / Chiara Di Benedetto interview Alberto Mantovani

Vaccine distribution and administration is a “two-speed” situation: the map is always the same with low-income countries on one side and the global north on the other. “Solidarity,” “Ethical Obligation,” and “Safety for All” should be the guiding concepts to guarantee equity of access to health.

6 October 2021

Africa stumbles: the third wave of Covid-19

2024-04-09T19:02:59+02:006 October 2021|

Forum • n. 82 December 2021

Africa stumbles: the third wave of Covid-19

Text by / Text by Giovanni Putoto

Stumbling in the darkness of the third wave and its aftermath, Africa today is showing a drastic increase in cases of Covid-19 infection in many of its countries, showing signs of overburdened hospitals and growing deaths. The vaccination numbers are still too low, due to a shortage of vaccines but also due to logistical, distribution, and diffidence on the part of the population.

6 October 2021

When the virus hits inertia

2024-04-09T19:03:36+02:006 October 2021|

Dialogue • n. 82 July 2021

When the virus hits inertia

Text by / Gavino Maciocco

The pandemic will be remembered for the lack of quick decision-making despite many authorities urging a rapid global vaccination program. This inertia has led to imbalances between global north and south, worldwide and locally, forgetting that the universal nature of the emergency should be met by a universal response.

6 October 2021

Getting from vaccines to vaccination, everywhere

2024-04-09T19:04:19+02:006 October 2021|

Dialogue • n. 82 July 2021

Getting from vaccines to vaccination, everywhere

Text by / don Dante Carraro

Striving for an equitable distribution of vaccines as a form of “intelligent solidarity”: this is not just out of a powerful sense of social justice but out of an ever-growing awareness of how much each of our lives — whether we’re African, Italian, Asian — are connected to each other, in a collective perspective that reminds us that to save ourselves, we need to take a common path.

5 February 2021

Rediscovering Ivan Illich

2024-04-09T19:05:09+02:005 February 2021|

Review • n. 81 December 2020

Rediscovering Ivan Illich

Text by / Giovanni Putoto

The Covid-19 pandemic has set off a perfect storm. Investments and reforms will not be enough to make our societies more sustainable, digital and inclusive; we need to take a critical look at today’s socioeconomic model and find a new ethical and human balance. Rediscovering the thought of Ivan Illich is helpful.