ses_0112Health and Development
N.89 Novembrer 2024
Meeting the challenge of noncommunicable diseases
ses_0112Health and Development
N.86 July 2023
No Doctors, no Nurses, no Healt Workers = Impossibile Healtcare
ses_0112Health and Development
N.84 October 2022
advancing social justice, through health equity
ses_0107Health and Development
N.82 July 2021
Vaccinations in Africa: an Obstacle Course
ses_0107Health and Development
N.78 June 2019
Protect moms, create the future.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.77 June 2018
Adolescent health: today’s challenges, tomorrow’s hope.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.76 December 2017
The role of hospitals in primary health care.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.75 June 2017
Mothers and children first.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.74 December 2016
Evaluation for better development result.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.73 June 2016
Massive migration flows as the result of people fleeing their homes toescape famine, conflict, natural disasters and the devastatingconsequences of climate change. Every day thousands of human beingsmove from one region or country to another, many undertaking extremelydangerous sea crossings. We would like to dedicate this edition of ourmagazine to these individuals, to all those who are forced to migrate insearch of lives of health, dignity, and economic and social opportunity.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.72 November 2015
Mothers and Children First, at the far reaches of the world too. This is where Doctors with Africa CUAMM works to make sure pregnancy and birth are safe, improving health services in peripheral centers and hospitals alike and developing an increasingly efficient transportation network.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.71 June 2015
The road to health is often a rocky one, especially in Sub-Saharan countries, where the obstacles are not only of a physical, but also an economic, social and cultural nature. Doctors with Africa CUAMM continues to fight to ensure that it will become less arduous over time.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.70 November 2014
What will global health look like post-2015? An intense international debate is underway, in search of the best strategies and models to ensure primary care and health support for the world’s peoples. This issue takes an in-depth look at the evolving scenario.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.69 February 2014
“A decent life for all”, ending poverty to give the world a sustainable future. But what role does health play in European and international guidelines on sustainable development goals? Can there be “a decent life for all” without active participation by health providers and without equal opportunities to access healthcare?
ses_0107Health and Development
N.68 October 2013
The deadline for the Millennium Development Goals is fast approaching. The countdown forces healthcare stakeholders to reflect on the successes and failures of the programme and to strive to ensure inclusion of Global Health in the post-2015 Development Agenda. The magazine takes a look at strengths, weaknesses and unsolved problems.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.67 June 2013
Taking care of Europe, especially in health. And especially in this moment, when the “lights” of many healthcare system seem turning off, leaving citizens – particularly the poorest and the ones at risk of marginalization – in the position of not being able to cure themselves. Health and Development presents the reforms and changes that have affected many European countries in recent years, as a result of economic crisis.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.66 February 2013
To continue to take care of mothers and children in Africa, accompanying them on the journey of pregnancy, childbirth, birth.
It is the choice that Doctors with Africa CUAMM made time ago and confirmed in 2012 thorough “Mothers and children first”, whose first result are featured in this special issue of the magazine.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.65 December 2012
Bridging the gap, building connecting links between countries and societies, reducing inequalities and structural deficits. In our cover, bridging the gap means implementing projects in Africa, Italy and Europe that stimulate dialogue among various players and bring cultures together.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.64 June 2012
Africa rising is the title of one of this issue’s editorials, recalling the fitting expression used by the Economist just a few months ago. Africa’s profile is changing. It has opened up dialogue with different countries and players: new networks of non-governmental organizations, public institutions and private partners are taking shape. Cooperation and synergies among the involved parties are the route to constructive change, benefiting the continent and its relations with the rest of the world.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.63 February 2012
A new profession is making headway: the medical specialist in Global health. These physicians have “the world in their head”, because they are aware of the relationships between individual and society, are conscious of balance and justice among countries, and have a holistic approach to health. Besides being doctors, they are bona fide advocates of Global health.
ses_0107Health and Development
N.62 December 2011
For many women and for many children the lead up to the day of birth is a real labyrinth in which access to care present many difficulties. The course resembles a fine, tangled thread, rather an umbilical cord, where knots and tangles are smoothed out with force and determination, taking mother and child to their birth day.