Diagnostic laboratory tests have always had the disadvantage of being too expensive for use in countries with limited resources. There is now growing interest in a new form of lab tests that go by the name “point of care testing” (POCT).

POCT enables non-specialized health care personnel to carry out chemical analyses and immunology and hematology tests quickly and cheaply, making it probably one of the most suitable tools that can be used to meet the needs of low-income countries.

This study surveyed technologies that can be used in areas with little or no infrastructure and that do not require special servicing. They can be employed both in operating rooms and in complex emergency settings. An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of POCT transfusion medicine shows the need for more accurate health care systems, in order to achieve high standard outcomes in transfusion medicine. However, it is impossible to develop effective new techniques for global health care without the involvement of local authorities and communities