Today is the fifth anniversary of the death of our beloved Don Luigi Mazzucato, historical director of Doctors with Africa CUAMM. His memory always remains deeply alive in those who have had the gift of knowing him, in Italy and in Africa. His testimony in CUAMM, which he has served with love and passion for over fifty years, continues to be an extraordinary reference for the present and the future of our Organization.
We want to remember him with his own words taken from his Spiritual Testament:
“Many times I have pleaded in the Our Father, also for CUAMM”. “Give us each day our daily bread”, in need I understood more what it means to lack what is necessary and I felt more pressing and urgent the commitment of CUAMM to choose and serve the poor, the poorest, those who have nothing and no one to help them.
It seems a miracle that, after more than 60 years from the birth of CUAMM, under the pressure of the evangelical motto “euntes curate infirmos” and the moral duty to promote the right to health for everybody, there is still people who decide to leave. Young people and adults, believers and not, but all motivated and of great professional seriousness, willing to engage with CUAMM and to bear witness to the dedication and love to the poor, in line with the inspiring principles and style of our non-governmental body of Doctors with Africa CUAMM, practicing preferential love for the poor.
Faced with the tragedies of poverty seen so many times in my travels in Africa, strong inner reactions were created within me. These emotions led me to express myself in critical terms for the lack of clarity and ability to say things, without seeking compromises or paying attention to conveniences, in the name of the Gospel and with respect for those who have no word. For me the rule has always been “poor but free”, free to choose, free to raise one’s voice when it is considered right and right to do so.