Health professionals as effective global health advocates
by E. Bertotti, S. Foresi, G. Putoto, page 4

The project “Equal opportunities for health: action for development”
by E. Bertotti, S. Foresi, G. Putoto, page 5

Primary Health Care. Now more than ever
by G. Maciocco, page 7

Contracting experiences in sub saharan Africa
by D. Boulenger, B. Criel, B. Keugoung, page 11

PBF: an opportunity for the private not-for-profit sector?
by D. Boulenger, page 18

Monitoring hospital performance for equity
by D. Carraro, F. Manenti, G. Putoto, page 20

St. Luke Catholic Hospital, Wolisso
by S. Accorsi, P. Farese, F. Manenti, page 21

Outcome of severely malnourished children treated according to Unicef 2004 guidelines
by A. Berti, M. Bettinzoli, E. R. Bregani, F. Manenti, C. Pizzi, page 36

Helminths and schistosomiasis in the city of beira, mozambique
by MJM. Antunes, F. Baldessin, C. Beltramello, EDS. Gomonda, WO. Inojosa, A. Seni, page 38

Education of qualified international health agents: the “junior project officer” programme
by S. Foresi, G. Putoto, page 41


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