Qui di seguito abbiamo raccolto gli articoli scientifici, pubblicati dal 2003 su riviste mediche: ogni voce è corredata da un breve abstract e dal link, se disponibile, al documento integrale o alla segnalazione della fonte quando non consultabile liberamente.

I “luoghi” e gli “argomenti” presenti in ogni voce in alto a destra permettono inoltre una ricerca dei documenti in base ai paesi e alle tematiche affrontate in ciascuno (Maternal Newborn Child and Adolescent Health, Health system research, Communicable and non-communicable disease, Clinical research, Global health).



  • Prevalence and clinical features of HIV and malaria co-infection in hospitalized adults in Beira, Mozambique
  • Endometriosis in a rural remote setting: a cross-sectional study
  • Echocardiography in low-resource rural tropical hospitals
  • Monitoring for multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum isolates and analysis of pyrimethamine resistance evolution in Uige province, Angola
  • Multiple Origins and Regional Dispersal of Resistant dhps in African Plasmodium falciparum Malaria
  • Ambulance service within a comprehensive intervention for reproductive health in remote settings: a cost effective intervention
  • Strengthening district health systems in Karamoja, Uganda Inside the district health system
  •  A comprehensive and integrated project to improve reproductive health at Oyam district, northern Uganda: insights from maternal death review at the district hospital


  • Artesunate versus quinine in the treatment of severe falciparum malaria in African children (AQUAMAT): an open-label, randomised trial


  • Poverty, inequality and health: the challenge of the double burden of disease in a non-profit hospital in rural Ethiopia
  • Care for people living with disabilities in the West Nile region of Uganda: ex-post evaluation of a programme implemented by Doctors
    with Africa CUAMM
  • The quality and use of maternal health care in Oyam District, Uganda: a baseline survey for an intervention


  • Outcome of severely malnourished children treated according to UNICEF 2004 guidelines: a one-year experience in a zone hospital
    in rural Ethiopia
  • Overcoming barriers to anti-epiletic treatment: a life time sentence?


  • ‘I believe that the staff have reduced their closeness to patients’: an exploratory study on the impact of HIV/AIDS on staff in four
    rural hospitals in Uganda


  • Diagnosing human African trypanosomiasis in Angola using a card agglutination test: observational study of active and passive case finding strategies


  • Pro-poor health services: the Catholic Health Network in Uganda
  • User fees in private non-for-profit hospitals in Uganda: a survey and intervention for equity


  • Health inequity in Uganda: the role of financial and non-financial barriers
  • From Alma Ata to MDGs: to what extent has equity been achieved?


  • Costing health services in Lacor Hospital