Since 1950 Doctors with Africa CUAMM has been committed to promoting and protecting the health of African populations. In this album of memories we wanted to collect some of the most significant moments of these 70 years of history to share together the journey made thanks to the stories, the lives, the steps of the many who, over time, have chosen to walk “with” Africa.
December 1950CUAMM was born in Padua

3 December 1950
CUAMM was born in Padua: University College Aspiring Medical Missionaries, open to Italian and foreign medical students
March 1954First doctor sent
31 March 1954
Dr. Angelo Tasso, the first doctor sent by CUAMM to developing countries, leaves for India
January 1955Departure for Kenya of Dr. Anacleto Dal Lago

05 May 1955
Departure for Kenya of Dr. Anacleto Dal Lago with his wife Bruna Maran, he is the first CUAMM doctor sent to Africa.
August 1955Don Luigi Mazzucato becomes Director of CUAMM
30 August 1955
Don Luigi Mazzucato is designated by the Bishop of Padua, Girolamo Bortignon, as Director of CUAMM
January 1957Anacleto Dal Lago starts Nkubu Training School

01 January 1957
Anacleto Dal Lago starts the Nkubu Training School in Kenya, the first nursing school in the country, for local staff.
August 1958Doctor Lido Rossi dies of nephritis at the age of 30
16 August 1958
CUAMM doctor in Swaziland, now eSwatini
December 1958
October 1959Pope Giovanni XXIII delivers the crucifix

11 October 1959
In St. Peter, Pope Giovanni XXIII gives the crucifix to the departing missionaries, including 7 doctors from CUAMM: a solemn acknowledgment to the lay missionary
November 1961Medical officer Francesco Remotti dies

11 November 1961
Kindu massacre, in the former Belgian Congo. Among the 13 victims, members of a UN blue helmets mission, was also the medical officer Francesco Remotti, 29, of CUAMM
October 1965Pope Paolo VI receives CUAMM in audience

14 October 1965
Some passages from the pontiff’s speech:
“We are proud of you, we are moved by your youthful daring, nourished by the spirit of sacrifice”.
«You are a promise of spring; you are a certainty of future achievements; you are a sign, a presence, a testimony of the vitality of our Mother Church ”
“You are the happy confirmation of the hope that the Church has placed and places in its faithful and the living response to its delivery”
July 1967Start of the Faculty of Medicine in Nairobi

Launch of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Nairobi, among the supporters Anacleto Dal Lago with the support from Italy of Don Luigi Mazzucato and Professor Francesco Canova capable of involving the University of Padua and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with government of Kenya
February 1968Nyeri conference
10-11 February 1968
CUAMM doctors operating in Kenya and Uganda meet to propose changes to the CUAMM organization, greater integration of missionary hospitals with public structures and with the health plans of local governments. Greater attention is also proposed in guaranteeing access to health services for the weakest sections of the population, mothers and children above all.
December 1971First Italian law on Cooperation

15 December 1971
Promulgated the law 1222/1971 it is the first Italian law on technical cooperation with developing countries. CUAMM contributes to its drafting in particular as regards the chapter on civil volunteering.
June 1972CUAMM becomes the first Italian NGO in health cooperation

22 June 1972
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honorable Aldo Moro, recognizes CUAMM as a suitable body for cooperation tasks with developing countries by a specific decree. CUAMM thus becomes the first Italian NGO for health cooperation and begins to present its intervention projects to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
January 1975CUAMM at the forefront of Primary Health Care
Anacleto Dal Lago presents a document on CUAMM’s intervention criteria in developing countries. The document anticipates what will be recommended later by WHO at the 1978 Alma Ata conference on the importance of Primary Health Care.
January 1977First programs in Tanzania, Mozambique and Uganda

1977 – 1978 – 1979
The first government-inspired country programs are launched in Tanzania (1977), Mozambique (1978) and Uganda (1979) on the basis of bilateral agreements between Italy and the governments of the respective African countries.
March 1979War between Tanzania and Uganda

March – May 1979
CUAMM doctors present in hospitals in Northern Uganda decide to stay despite the situation being particularly tense: they remain isolated for weeks. A mission is organized to reach them by Prof. Dal Lago with officials of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
September 1983Special Audience of Pope Giovanni Paolo II for CUAMM

26 September 1983
460 people were present including students, returning volunteers and family members.
March 1985Conference on sexually transmitted diseases in Tanzania

7 – 8 March 1985
Conference on sexually transmitted diseases in Tosamaganga. A report by the CUAMM team doctors at the Bukoba hospital identifies the first cases of AIDS in the country and probably in Africa.

CUAMM was born in Padua
3 December 1950
CUAMM was born in Padua: University College Aspiring Medical Missionaries, open to Italian and foreign medical students
First doctor sent
31 March 1954
Dr. Angelo Tasso, the first doctor sent by CUAMM to developing countries, leaves for India
Departure for Kenya of Dr. Anacleto Dal Lago
05 May 1955
Departure for Kenya of Dr. Anacleto Dal Lago with his wife Bruna Maran, he is the first CUAMM doctor sent to Africa.
Don Luigi Mazzucato becomes Director of CUAMM
30 August 1955
Don Luigi Mazzucato is designated by the Bishop of Padua, Girolamo Bortignon, as Director of CUAMM
Anacleto Dal Lago starts Nkubu Training School
01 January 1957
Anacleto Dal Lago starts the Nkubu Training School in Kenya, the first nursing school in the country, for local staff.
Doctor Lido Rossi dies of nephritis at the age of 30
16 August 1958
CUAMM doctor in Swaziland, now eSwatini
Pope Giovanni XXIII delivers the crucifix
11 October 1959
In St. Peter, Pope Giovanni XXIII gives the crucifix to the departing missionaries, including 7 doctors from CUAMM: a solemn acknowledgment to the lay missionary
Medical officer Francesco Remotti dies
11 November 1961
Kindu massacre, in the former Belgian Congo. Among the 13 victims, members of a UN blue helmets mission, was also the medical officer Francesco Remotti, 29, of CUAMM
Pope Paolo VI receives CUAMM in audience
14 October 1965
Some passages from the pontiff’s speech:
“We are proud of you, we are moved by your youthful daring, nourished by the spirit of sacrifice”.
«You are a promise of spring; you are a certainty of future achievements; you are a sign, a presence, a testimony of the vitality of our Mother Church ”
“You are the happy confirmation of the hope that the Church has placed and places in its faithful and the living response to its delivery”
Start of the Faculty of Medicine in Nairobi
Launch of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Nairobi, among the supporters Anacleto Dal Lago with the support from Italy of Don Luigi Mazzucato and Professor Francesco Canova capable of involving the University of Padua and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with government of Kenya
Nyeri conference
10-11 February 1968
CUAMM doctors operating in Kenya and Uganda meet to propose changes to the CUAMM organization, greater integration of missionary hospitals with public structures and with the health plans of local governments. Greater attention is also proposed in guaranteeing access to health services for the weakest sections of the population, mothers and children above all.
First Italian law on Cooperation
15 December 1971
Promulgated the law 1222/1971 it is the first Italian law on technical cooperation with developing countries. CUAMM contributes to its drafting in particular as regards the chapter on civil volunteering.
CUAMM becomes the first Italian NGO in health cooperation
22 June 1972
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honorable Aldo Moro, recognizes CUAMM as a suitable body for cooperation tasks with developing countries by a specific decree. CUAMM thus becomes the first Italian NGO for health cooperation and begins to present its intervention projects to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
CUAMM at the forefront of Primary Health Care
Anacleto Dal Lago presents a document on CUAMM’s intervention criteria in developing countries. The document anticipates what will be recommended later by WHO at the 1978 Alma Ata conference on the importance of Primary Health Care.
First programs in Tanzania, Mozambique and Uganda
1977 – 1978 – 1979
The first government-inspired country programs are launched in Tanzania (1977), Mozambique (1978) and Uganda (1979) on the basis of bilateral agreements between Italy and the governments of the respective African countries.
War between Tanzania and Uganda
March – May 1979
CUAMM doctors present in hospitals in Northern Uganda decide to stay despite the situation being particularly tense: they remain isolated for weeks. A mission is organized to reach them by Prof. Dal Lago with officials of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Special Audience of Pope Giovanni Paolo II for CUAMM
26 September 1983
460 people were present including students, returning volunteers and family members.
Conference on sexually transmitted diseases in Tanzania
7 – 8 March 1985
Conference on sexually transmitted diseases in Tosamaganga. A report by the CUAMM team doctors at the Bukoba hospital identifies the first cases of AIDS in the country and probably in Africa.