A investigação operacional

24 Agosto 2015

Determinants of utilization of antenatal care and skilled birth attendant at delivery in South West Shoa Zone, Ethiopia: a cross sectional study

2015-08-24T14:17:31+02:0024 Agosto 2015|

Wilunda C., Quaglio G., Putoto G., Takahashi R., Calia F., Abebe D., Manenti F., Dalla Riva D., Betrán A.P., Atzori A.
Reproductive Health Journal, 2015 August 24, 12(1):74

Ethiopia has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world (676 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births) and is one of the ten countries in the world that comprise 58% of global maternal deaths. Problems of coverage are certainly among the factors contributing to this dire mortality rate. Indeed, pregnant women’s failure to [...]

19 Junho 2015

Assessing Coverage, Equity and Quality Gaps in Maternal and Neonatal Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Integrated Approach

2015-06-19T14:16:21+02:0019 Junho 2015|

Wilunda C., Putoto G., Dalla Riva D., Manenti F., Atzori A., Calia F., Assefa T., Turri B., Emmanuel O., Straneo M., Kisika F., Tamburlini G.
PLoS One, 2015 Jun 19;10(6)5

The performance of a health care system can be measured by three parameters: the coverage, equity and quality of health care services. In Sub-Saharan Africa there are still major problems in each of these areas which prevent the respective countries from achieving the Millennium Development Goals related to maternal and neonatal health. The objective of [...]

16 Abril 2015

Point of Care Testing and Transfusion Safety in Resource Limited Settings: A Review

2015-04-16T15:17:08+02:0016 Abril 2015|

La Raja M., Musi R., Fattorini M., Piva E., Putoto G.
Journal of Blood Disorders & Transfusion, 2015 April 16

Diagnostic laboratory tests have always had the disadvantage of being too expensive for use in countries with limited resources. There is now growing interest in a new form of lab tests that go by the name “point of care testing” (POCT). POCT enables non-specialized health care personnel to carry out chemical analyses and immunology and [...]

8 Abril 2015

Availability, utilisation and quality of maternal and neonatal health care services in Karamoja region, Uganda: a health facility-based survey

2015-04-08T14:12:58+02:008 Abril 2015|

Wilunda C., Oyerinde K., Putoto G., Lochoro P., Dall'Oglio G., Manenti F., Segafredo G., Atzori A., Criel B., Panza A., Quaglio G.
Reproductive Health Journal, 2015 Apr 8; 12(1):30

Maternal and neonatal health indicators in Uganda are very poor: the maternal mortality rate is 438 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, while the child mortality rate is 54 deaths per 1,000 live births. The study presented here was carried out in the Karamoja region, an area where Doctors with Africa CUAMM has been active [...]

1 Abril 2015

Harmonization of clinical laboratories in Africa: a multidisciplinary approach to identify innovative and sustainable technical solution

2015-04-01T15:15:11+02:001 Abril 2015|

Cortese A., Putoto G., Pecorari I., Musi R., Nunziata E.
Diagnosis, 2015 Apr; 2(2): 129-135

Laboratory medicine plays a fundamental role in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of health care systems and making possible timely diagnoses and operations. However, in the Sub-Saharan African region it is frequently of poor quality, due in part to insufficient economic resources, in part to a lack of personnel trained in using technical diagnostic tools, [...]

1 Março 2015

Predictors of Treatment Failure in HIV-Positive Children Receiving Combination Antiretroviral Therapy: Cohort Data From Mozambique and Uganda

2015-03-01T15:13:08+01:001 Março 2015|

Costenaro P., Penazzato M., Lundin R., Rossi G., Massavon W., Patel D., Nabachwa S., Franceschetto G., Morelli E., Bilardi D., Nannyonga M.M.,Atzori A., Mastrogiacomo M.L., Mazza A., Putoto G., Giaquinto C.
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, 2015 Mar; 4(1):39-48

The increase in treatments for people affected by HIV virus has led to a global reduction of new childhood infections. Nonetheless, particularly in settings with limited resources, the level of emergency is still high, despite the efforts to expand access to combined antiretroviral therapy (cART), One of the main causes of the still high percentage [...]

1 Janeiro 2015

A hospital-centered approach to improve emergency obstetric care in South Sudan

2015-01-01T11:18:40+01:001 Janeiro 2015|

Groppi L., Somigliana E., Pisani V., Ika M., Mabor J.L., Akec H.N., Nhial J.A., Mading M.S., Scanagatta C., Manenti F., Putoto G.
International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2015 Jan; 128(1):58-61

Between 1990 and 2014, significant results were obtained for reducing child and maternal mortality, as set by the fourth and fifth Millennium Development Goals. However, there are alarming disparities from country to country and between rural and urban regions with concentrations of mortality in the poorest rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. To [...]

2 Dezembro 2014

Where do the rural poor deliver when high coverage of health facility delivery is achieved? Findings from a community and hospital survey in Tanzania.

2014-12-02T14:25:15+01:002 Dezembro 2014|

Straneo M., Fogliati P., Azzimonti G., Mangi S., Kisika F.
PLoS One. 2014 Dec 2;9(12):e113995

In Tanzania, like in the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa, there are high maternal mortality rates. In response to the fifth Millennium Development Goal, the government has put in place strategies to extend the coverage of health facilities to increase the number of deliveries in health facilities. As a result, in the district of Iringa, in [...]

1 Setembro 2014

Effects of improved access to transportation on emergency obstetric care outcomes in Uganda.

2014-09-01T14:47:04+02:001 Setembro 2014|

Mucunguzi S., Wamani H., Lochoro P., Tylleskar T.
African Journal of Reproductive Health. 2014 Sep;18(3):87-94

WHO has estimated approximately 358,000 maternal deaths occurred during pregnancy, childbirth or within 42 hours of birth (2008 data) with a considerable reduction (about 34%) since 1990. However these data are less positive if we look at Sub-Saharan Africa, which accounts for more than half of maternal deaths. Many studies have shown the importance of [...]

4 Agosto 2014

A qualitative study on barriers to utilisation of institutional delivery services in Moroto and Napak districts,Uganda: implications for programming.

2014-08-04T14:51:35+02:004 Agosto 2014|

Wilunda C., Quaglio G., Putoto G., Lochoro P., Dall'Oglio G., Manenti F., Atzori A., Lochiam R.M., Takahashi R., Mukundwa A., Oyerinde K.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014 Aug 4;14:259

With a population that is about 11% of the world population, Sub-Saharan Africa has half of maternal and child deaths. Partly as strategies to meet the Millennium Development Goals (4 and 5), numerous interventions have been implemented to combat mother and infant mortality, with special attention to health services for skilled attendance at birth. Why [...]