A investigação operacional

29 Setembro 2016

A correlação entre a Diabetes Mellitus e TB em Luanda

2016-09-29T10:36:54+02:0029 Setembro 2016|

O objetivo da investigação é determinar a prevalência da Diabetes Mellitus (DM) entre os pacientes afetados pela TB nos centros de Luanda, em Angola. Na verdade, a Diabetes Mellitus parece atingir duramente a população afetada pela tuberculose, com consequências drásticas na taxa de mortalidade dos pacientes devido a recaídas, reincidência e reativação da própria TB. [...]

29 Setembro 2016

Os cuidados com o recém-nascido prematuro: o uso de toucas de lã associado à terapia “Mamã Canguru”

2016-09-29T10:34:44+02:0029 Setembro 2016|

As semanas que se seguem ao parto constituem uma fase crítica para saúde da mãe e da criança nascida prematuramente; na maioria dos casos, é nesse período que se regista a mais alta taxa de mortalidade infantil, causada pela hipotermia neonatal associada à morbilidade e mortalidade. Estudos precedentes mostram a diminuição da hipotermia neonatal após [...]

29 Setembro 2016

A cesariana segundo a classificação de Robson

2016-09-29T10:26:56+02:0029 Setembro 2016|

O recurso à cesariana está a aumentar em todo o mundo, mas as motivações, sobretudo nos países com baixos e médios rendimentos, são controversas e nem sempre em benefício da saúde da mãe. A investigação pretende analisar a contribuição da cesariana no hospital de Matany – no Uganda –, utilizando o sistema de classificação de [...]

8 Setembro 2016

Local Food Resources to Fight Children Malnutrition and Infectious Diseases in Mozambique

2016-09-08T16:34:12+02:008 Setembro 2016|

Pizzol D., Di Gennaro F., De Palma A., Marquez G., Monno L., Saracino A., Romanelli M., Putoto G., Bertoldo A.
Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Pizzol et al. 2016, August

Malnutrition in low-resource settings affects some 200 million children under the age of 5, i.e. one out of every three. In Mozambique 42.6% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition, and nearly 6% from acute malnutrition. In circumstances like these, it is of fundamental importance to exploit all available and accessible resources in order to tackle [...]

8 Setembro 2016

Information and communications technologies in low and middle-income countries: survey results on economic development and health

2016-09-08T16:32:07+02:008 Setembro 2016|

Quaglio G., Dario C., Karapiperis T., Delponte L., Mccormack S., Tomson G., Micheletti G.,Bonnardot L., Putoto G., Zanaboni P.
Health Policy and Technology 2016

Even as information and communications technologies (ICT) become more widespread even in low-resource countries, a significant gap still exists compared with more developed countries. In Africa, for example, only 22% of the population has access to the Internet compared with 77% in Europe. Based on a survey of experts from various fields, this study examined [...]

8 Setembro 2016

HIV and Surgery: an issue only for developed country? An overview from Mozambique

2016-09-08T16:30:38+02:008 Setembro 2016|

Fumo A., Garofalo N., Chhaganlal K., Di Gennaro F., Boscardin C., Laforgia R., De Palma A.,Putoto G., Pizzol D.
Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal 2016

HIV is a public health emergency in Sub-Saharan Africa, with 1 out of 20 adults affected by the disease. In Mozambique, where HIV figures are in line with those in the broader Sub-Saharan region, the causes of HIV/AIDS related-death include emergency surgery and post-operative infections. This study reviews the existing literature on surgically-treated diseases in [...]

8 Setembro 2016

Evaluation of a maternal health care project in South West Shoa Zone, Ethiopia: before-and-after comparison

2016-09-08T16:29:41+02:008 Setembro 2016|

Wilunda C., Tanaka S., Putoto G., Tsegaye A., Kawakami K.
in Reproductive Health 2016, September

This study assessed the maternal health services provided by Doctors with Africa CUAMM in Wolisso, Gori and Wonchi Districts, in Ethiopia’s central Oromia Region. It was based on an evaluation of four key parameters: 1) pregnant women’s use of at least 4 prenatal visits; 2) use of the three basic health services, i.e. blood pressure [...]

26 Junho 2016

Failed conservative management of a case of aplasia cutis congenita in a low-incomecountry

2016-06-26T10:25:56+02:0026 Junho 2016|

Wingi O., Cappellesso R., Arego R., Cuppini E., Muhelo A., Putoto G., Da Dalt L., Pizzol D.
Clinical Case Reports, 2016 June

Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) is a rare disease characterized by the congenital absence of skin layers. While most commonly seen on the scalp, the disease can affect other parts of the body as well. Because safe, effective treatment for ACC has not yet been identified, managing the disease in newborns continues to be problematic. Moreover, surgery [...]

1 Junho 2016

Maintaining Maternal and Child Health Services During the Ebola Outbreak: Experience from Pujehun, Sierra Leone

2016-06-01T11:30:02+02:001 Junho 2016|

Quaglio Q., Pizzol D., Bome D., Kebbie A. Bangura Z., Massaquoi V., Frasson C., Dalla Riva D., Putoto G.
Plos - Current Outbreaks, 2016 June

During the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, people’s confidence in the national health care system weakened, leading to a reduction in their use of health services. The main measures taken to control the epidemic in the country’s Pujehun District were the organization by local health authorities of a rapid response to the crisis, the sorting-out [...]

1 Junho 2016

Tuberculosis and diabetes: current state and future perspectives, in Tropical Medicine and International Health

2016-06-01T11:25:58+02:001 Junho 2016|

Pizzol D., Di Gennaro F., Chhaganlal K.D., Fabrizio C., Monno L., Putoto G., Saracino A.
Tropical Medicine and International Health, 2016 Jun;21(6):694-702

It is not only infectious diseases that are lethal for the African continent; today, diabetes mellitus (DM), too, is threatening communities. A chronic disease caused by defects in insulin secretion, action or both, DM seems to have a severe impact on people suffering from tuberculosis (TB), with dire consequences in terms of the mortality rate [...]